
Archive for 2009

This is an overview of all the articles I wrote in 2009. Most of it is relevant to this day.

When testing helper methods that use Rails’ output buffer (for example by calling concat) with RSpec, be sure to add this to your specs:

before (:each) do
  helper.output_buffer = ""

Took me a while to figure this one out. Apparently RSpec doesn’t initialize the output buffer and you end up with a NoMethodError on nil.

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I’m currently building a tool to help managing severals servers simultaneously for Softvision Media. As I decided to write the tool in Ruby, I’ve been looking for a framework to create command-line executables. On GitHub I stumbled over commander by TJ Holowaychuk of VisionMedia that provides a simple DSL for this task. It integrates with OptionParser and the Highline gem for user interaction. It...

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