
Archive for 2018

This is an overview of all the articles I wrote in 2018. Most of it is relevant to this day.

This article was published on Ruby Magic.

In a previous Ruby Magic, we figured out how to reliably inject modules into classes by overwriting its .new method, allowing us to wrap methods with additional behavior.

This time, we’re taking it one step further by extracting that behaviour into a module of its own so we can reuse it. We’ll build a Wrappable module that handles the class extension for us, and we’ll learn all about class-level...

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This article was published on Ruby Magic.

One of the things that makes Ruby great is that we can customize almost anything to our needs. This is both useful and dangerous. It’s easy to shoot ourselves in the foot, but when used carefully, this can result in pretty powerful solutions.

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The start of a new year is a great time to reflect and think about the previous one. Two years ago, I started publishing my thoughts about my personal year. With 2018 just starting off, it’s time for me to look back at 2017.

Feel free to go back to my reviews of 2015 and 2016 for additional context.

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