
Archive for 2017

This is an overview of all the articles I wrote in 2017. Most of it is relevant to this day.

Building a SaaS (or any software product, really) takes a lot of time and money. It’s hard to stay focused on the things that actually produce value for your customers. In the following, I’ll show you a few things that you can easily skip until after launching. This way, you’ll launch earlier, and maybe even learn that you don’t need some of the features you thought everyone wants.

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A year ago, I published my first Year in Review post. I did not publish anything since that review and therefore was a little hesitant about writing one for 2016. It was a tweet by Jamie Lawrence that convinced me to write this review:

“Year in review” posts are great way of rewriting history, and a terrible way to compare yourself with others – Jamie Lawrence

However, my intention isn’t to rewrite history. Instead, I want to preserve the things (both good and bad) that happened this year.

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